半蔵門御散歩雑談/ODR Pickups

株式会社ODR Room Network

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【ODRPickups】20150423 ODR and Trustmark in ODR FORUM 2015

【ODRPickups】20150423 ODR and Trustmark in ODR FORUM 2015


Discussion story in  Breaout session2 : ODR and Trustmark


Cross border transaction is a normal case in e-Commerce

- Even Not only between 2 countries

- Our first case in 2009, Australian brand boots, purchased in Japanese site, BBBOnline Trustmark , good came from China, payed via Paypal-Singapore


What is expectation of consumers?

-Resolve the case, of course, refund or exchange goods

- ODR is important, the cosumers, they expect

- they want to go ahead, if no resolution possiblity

- need regional information, if the business already disappear? no possiblity to resolve?

- on the other hand, reputation is important for business as well as credibility

- Trusmark can do something for them


Trustarks in each regions

North America  BBB (complaint handling)

EU  Euro-Label

South Ameriaca  eConfianza

Asia CASE, SOSA, TradeSafe, Cyber Security


International Cooperation 

WTA (World Trusmark Alliance)


- 30 countries, 37 entities

- Guideline regulates cooperation with ODR or complaint handling

- Promoting cooperation with ODR



Introducing activities by Trustmark and ODR

 - BBB





Next steps: 

Seek business models:

BBB and CASE are Trustmark provider as well as complaint handling entity. They handle cases based on trustmark fee from their member businesses. CASE can handles cases from consumer to businesses who is not a member of associations, based on consumers payment ( only a few amount). SOSA in Taiwan, TradeSafe in Japan are also the same model. Which means that Trustmark and ODR can cooperate with such business model.

Troubles on e-commerce, small value, can reach to some solution on complaint handling, if unsolved on it, consumer can choose to proceed to ODR with some payment. That can be practical solution for consumers, ODR and Trustmarks.






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