- 宛先メールが税務署などには一切使っていないアドレス
- 「法律により計算した”客勛” 」 この言葉は日本語にも中国語にもない
- 「本メールは、〜電子申告?納税システム〜」と?マークが本文内に不自然にある
- 住所、法人番号、英文名称などは正しい国税庁の所在。ここだけで判断すると騙される。
I guess this spam is the one of the most impossible case which is from government agency,(They usualy use post mail but not use email) but tend to believe it is true alarm from your government. Because this mail contains two reasons, the first point is a dead line of tax is very Today, second one is you are possible to be foreclossured with your assets. Both will make you panic and click and jump to the fraudurent web site. You have to see carefully and find out some doubtfull text in the email such as 1)Email address is not you are using for the matter, 2) there are some strange text , 3) you can find unusual characters.
On the other hand, it is correct the address, the corporation serial number and an english name.
more than 7 even on today(22nd August), I do not know the name of receiver, not me. The mail address is not registered for Amazon, and the link to find a delivery status is an alarmed by SPAM checking site service. The true Amazon's alarm email is with no-reply return address, and the address to link is amazon.co.jp.
Be carefull. not to click a link so rush.
- リンク先へ飛ぶ前にマウスオーバーで表示されるアドレスを調べる。
- 非通知の電話には応答しない。
- サイトへのアクセスはメールからのリンクではなく、検索あるいはURLを入力して行おう。リンクを辿らず、検索して正規のサイトを見てみると、たとえば「えきねっと」ではスパムメールへの警告が掲載されているのですぐわかる。
- 入力しようとしているブラウザが、ブラウザを移動させてみて、ブラウザの外にまで動かせるかどうか。「ブラウザ・イン・ザ・ブラウザ」でないか。地道にチェックを続けておこう。
- 電話番号などが掲載されていればそれも調べてみよう。(今回の場合、番号は違っていて、関連情報が掲載されているのでスパムとわかる。
Spam collection(1) your card on express road is expired.
Spam collection(2) Your account may be stolen by someone
Spam collection(3) Your TOYOTA credit card have trouble in China
Spam collection(4) Your account may be stolen by someone. Various case
スパムコレクション(5)なりすましヨドバシ(はてな記事 2334)
Spam collection(5) Spoofing a famous shop
Spam collection(7) defective spam
Spam collection(8) Even impressed well designed spam
Spam collection(9) Even being panic
Spam collection(10) Spam, Just after purchasing
Spam collection(11) Spam template exist?
Spam collection(12) Spam pretending Amazon gift
Spam collection(12) Pretending browser in a browser
Spam collection(13) Do you want to reset Communication speed limit?
Spam collection(14) Your pention amount is less than you expect
Spam collection(15) you would better to cancel the order as early as possible.
Spam collection(16) a phone call of voice with recording one, via anounymous number.
Spam collection(17) A logistics information, but ...this is the one for whom? not me.