半蔵門御散歩雑談/ODR Pickups

株式会社ODR Room Network

このブログは、株式会社ODR Room Networkのお客様へのWeekly reportに掲載されている内容をアーカイブしたものです。但し、一部の記事を除きます。ODRについての状況、国際会議の参加報告、ビジネスよもやま話、台湾たまにロードレーサーの話題など、半蔵門やたまプラーザ付近を歩きながら雑談するように。



Worried about Japan recently.


When I chatted with three Japanese and Koreans who live in the United States and are involved in management (or sole proprietorships), they all agreed.



Worried about Japan recently.


1)シリコンバレーでコンサルティング会社を経営する渡辺千賀氏はそのブログで、外務省の方と会食したときに、こんな話 (日本はエラくもないが卑下したもんでもない | On Off and Beyond)が あったことを記していた。日本の外交窓口がこれでは・・・この人個人の問題であることを祈ろう。

Ms. Chika Watanabe, who runs a consulting company in Silicon Valley, wrote on her blog that when she had dinner with a person from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, he said something like this (Japan is neither embarrassed nor demeaning | On Off and Beyond). was noted. Japan's diplomatic contact is like this... Let's pray that this person's problem is personal.



Mr. S, a Japanese who runs a small wine sales company in San Francisco, said, "My son is going to a university in Boston, but he said there are no Japanese people. It seems that there are many students for language study abroad programs, but there are no Japanese people in the place where you learn the content. China and India both have large populations, so it's no surprise that the numbers are relatively high, but even Korean students are swarming in. I feel like Japan is being left behind.


Ms. X, who also lives in California, said, "There is no Japanese presence. It's the same as having to appeal to the 'Treasure of the family's sword.' In the field I'm related to, I hardly ever see participation from Japan in events. None. It's the same as

4)国連のC氏は、韓国人。曰く「そもそも我が国は、マーケットが小さい。最初からWorld Wideをターゲットとせざるをえない。」

Mr. C of the United Nations is Korean. He said, "In the first place, our country has a small market. We have no choice but to target the world wide from the beginning."




In Israel, when both men and women reach the age of 13 or 12, they enter a religious coming-of-age ceremony called Bar Mitzvah/Bat Mitzvah (a Bar Mitzvah for boys and a Bat Mitzvah for girls). Here, religiously, they begin to be treated as adults, and they receive congratulatory gifts from invited guests at ceremonies. I was invited to Bat Mitsuba, where they raised about 3 million yen. It is said that he will save this money and use it to pay for going to university, or to visit overseas before finding a job. Similarly, in Israel, the domestic market is small, so it seems that he has naturally been conscious of the "world" since that time.

ところで、(白田秀彰の「現実デバッグ」 - 2007年11月 | WIRED VISION)Wiredのコラム白田秀彰氏の「現実デバッグ」(連載終わっちゃったのですね。残念。。。)は、若者の無政府主義の傾向を評ている。政府なんていらないという人に、"じゃあパスポートの写真のページに書いてある「日本国政府が、外国における皆さんの安全を保障するよう、外国政府に要請している」一文がなくても大丈夫なのか?"と。これ私、骨身にしみる。イスラエルで訴訟中に"暗殺されるからホテルから出るな"といわれたときに頼れる(かもしれない)のは、日本大使館だったし、今じゃほぼどこの空港でも「アヤシイ」と見なされて特別チェックになってしまう身としては、自分の次に頼れるのは日本国政府に違いないのだから。(オマエ友達いないの?といわれそう) 主体的にね、作戦があってそうしているならいいのだけど、国内でなんとかなっちゃってるからとりあえず何もしなくて大丈夫だろう、というような井の中の蛙的楽観はとっても危険な状態だ。

By the way, (Hideaki Shirata's "Reality Debugging" - November 2007 | WIRED VISION) Wired's column Mr. Hideaki Shirata's "Reality Debugging" (serialization has ended. Too bad...) assessing trends. For those who say they don't need the government, "Then, is it okay if there is no sentence written on the photo page of the passport, 'The Japanese government is requesting foreign governments to guarantee the safety of everyone abroad'?" ? "This hurts me to the bone. When I was told during a lawsuit in Israel, ``Don't leave the hotel because you will be assassinated,'' I could (maybe) rely on the Japanese embassy, ​​and now almost anywhere. As someone who would be considered "badass" at airports in Japan and would be subject to special checks, the next person I could rely on would be the Japanese government. (Do you have any friends?) It would be nice if you had a strategy and you're doing it, but since things are going well in Japan, you don't have to do anything for the time being. The frog's optimism is in a very dangerous state.
