音声認識重宝して居るが海外向けのメッセージもやってみた。 発音によるエラーや誤認識によるエラーも混ざるが、まあまあ使えそう。あえてそのまま公開します。大文字子文字がコントロールできんな。。。
Thank you for warm words from everyone I am still in the hospital.the situation is Better than before and I believe I can leave the hospital Nerly soon. because of the right leg pallalyized is not from diabetes but it's from backbone spine virus based Disease so only recovery way is just Rehabilitation need time. I'll take a long months I hope I could see you all again and speak in WTA. thanks again for your warm and praying for me. see you soon bye.
This message is from voice recognition function so many typos and missing word.